Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Omega 3

Omega 3 is beneficial for a number of functions in the body and comes mostly from oily fish. Shop supplements here.

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Omega 3 fats are essential for general health, in particular heart and brain health. These fats can’t be produced by the body, so must be gained from your diet. Omega 3 fatty acids have been shown to slow down cognitive decline, prevent your eyesight from deteriorating and can contribute to the developmental support of newborn babies. There are also implications that it helps improve symptoms of depression and anxiety.

One of the most common ways to get Omega 3 fats is from oily fish. Omega 3 supplements are a great alternative if fish isn’t part of your usual diet. In countries where fish is more prominent in the diet, like Japan, Greenland and the Mediterranean, heart disease rates are lower than in countries like the UK, where fish isn’t eaten as much. The fats in Omega 3 protect the blood vessels and the heart by lowering blood pressure, preventing blood clots and improving circulation.

Vegetarians and vegans usually have a diet lacking in Omega 3, so would benefit from supplements. Supplements come in several forms – mostly capsules and oils. Not many foods have naturally occurring Omega 3 acids, but some good sources include:

  • oils (flax, walnut, pumpkin)
  • green leafy vegetables
  • seeds (chia, hemp, pumpkin and flax)
  • nuts (mostly walnuts)
  • fish (fresh, frozen or canned)

People also asked

Is Omega 3 good for hair?

There’s not a lot of research behind it but some people believe that consuming oily fish or fish supplements may promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. Omega 3 provides essential nutrients that can contribute to the health of hair follicles and promote circulation in the scalp to stimulate hair growth. It’s also believed that fish oil adds shine to the hair.

How much Omega 3 per day?

Eating fatty fish at least twice a week should be enough but supplements are an alternative if fish isn’t part of your regular diet. There’s no concrete amount of Omega 3 that each person needs. It varies depending on the age, sex, and condition that needs treatment. Most studies suggest a minimum of 250-500mg a day for healthy adults but higher amounts might be needed for certain health issues.

Is Cod liver oil the same as omega 3?

Cod liver oil is a type of fish oil supplement that contains Omega 3. It is also high in vitamin A and D, but compared to other fish oils, it’s lower in Omega 3.